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Alternative Cargo Registry authentication workaround

ยท 4 min read

This is a workaround to authenticating with an alternative cargo registry like Artifactory, a feature that is not yet available in Cargo.

Introduction ๐Ÿ‘‹โ€‹

  • There has been a Cargo MR: Implement RFC 3139: alternative registry authentication support, to add support to Cargo to authenticate with Registries when downloading crates. Currently, Cargo only sends authentication tokens for publish and yank network requests. Unfortunately, this MR has been open quite a while - since April 2022.
  • Workaround: This workaround works by injecting a basic authentication token to requests to the specific cargo registry.
  • Background: I noticed a colleague implementing a workaround using However, this tool might be more versatile, so it requires more config for MITM proxying, including generating certificate authorities and programatically mutating config files. I knew of mitmproxy which could potentially do things a bit more cleanly, and was a bit curious how it would work with Cargo. I also knew this attempt would be more open-source-able.

Pause: easier solution ๐Ÿฃโ€‹

  • There is an even easier solution.
  • If your crates are not sensitive, you could just disable authentication when downloading crates. There is an option to do this for Jfrog Artifactory repositories (for artifactory admins).

Setup โš™๏ธโ€‹

These are setup instructions. You only do this once per machine. They are written for macOS so adjust them for other platforms if necessary.

  • Pre-requisites: Rust and Cargo: brew install rust
  • Install mitmproxy: run brew install mitmproxy
    • This installs mitmproxy, mitmdump and more.
    • Note, you can also python3 -m pip install mitmproxy, which installs binaries in e.g. /Users/$USER/Library/Python/3.9/lib. Be sure to add this to your path. For example, in ~/.zshrc, add export PATH=/Users/$USER/Library/Python/3.9/lib:$PATH
  • Run mitmproxy, and close it: run mitmproxy and then quit: Ctrl + C, type yes
    • This will generate the certificate authority certificates in ~/.mitmproxy.
  • Create a file: is:
from mitmproxy import http
import base64
import os


def request(flow: http.HTTPFlow):
if flow.request.pretty_host == REGISTRY_DOMAIN:
# If you prefer hardcoding your email and token in your script. This is okay if you don't commit your file
email = "[email protected]"
token = "replace this with your token"

# Or if you prefer environment variables.
email = os.environ["EMAIL"]
token = os.environ["TOKEN"]

encoded_token = base64.b64encode(f"{email}:{token}".encode())
flow.request.headers["Authorization"] = b"Basic " + encoded_token

# Optional: Handle more registries here.
  • Configure cargo to use your registry and this proxy
    • Adjust your desired config file, to use the mitmproxy certificate authority.
      • To affect a single project, adjust .cargo/config.toml. For more information, see The Cargo Book: Configuration.
      • For example, update your .cargo/config.yaml to look like:
        • This example uses an "Jfrog Artifactory" Cargo registry. Be sure to update the cainfo file path
index =

proxy = "localhost:9001"
# on macOS
cainfo = "/Users/ben/.mitmproxy/mitmproxy-ca.pem"
# in a Docker container
# cainfo = "/root/.mitmproxy/mitmproxy-ca.pem"

git-fetch-with-cli = true
  • Authenticate with the Registry index
    • The index contains the information about all crates
    • Warning: update EMAIL and INDEX_DOMAIN.
# Replace @ with %40
[email protected]
git config --global url."https://${SAFE_EMAIL}:${TOKEN}@/${REGISTRY_DOMAIN}".insteadOf "https://${REGISTRY_DOMAIN}"

Usage ๐ŸŽฎโ€‹

  • Start the local proxy server: either
    • for interactive: run mitmproxy --listen-port 9001 -s
    • for no interactivity: run mitmdump --listen-port 9001 -s
      • You can replace 9001 with whichever port you prefer.
  • Launch cargo as normal in a separate terminal. e.g. cargo build, cargo run, etc.

Bonus: Usage in CI ๐ŸŽโ€‹

  • To use it programatically (e.g. in CI), you could run:
# Start proxy server
mitmdump --listen-port 9001 -s &
# Use cargo as normal
cargo build # or cargo update, cargo run, etc.
# Kill proxy server
kill %1

Conclusion ๐Ÿโ€‹

  • I look forward to deleting this local proxy server when this feature is available in Cargo. In the mean time, I've got a consistent way to access other registries securely.
  • If you have a suggestion or found a problem, comment below. That would probably be useful to other readers, and also helps me learn.