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One post tagged with "obsidian"

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· 5 min read

Motivation 💪

  • You have been using Obsidian to store your notes. I highly recommend it if you don't - in that case, come back to this page later.

  • Your current solution to write notes is to use a separate app or separate Obsidian Vault on your phone. After you reach your computer, you manually copy and paste data into your primary Obsidian Vault. I previously used Google Keep for temporary notes, which were moved into Obsidian Vault when I found the time.

  • Update: I no longer use git to sync my Obsidian Vault. This is because manually resolving conflicts between my notes and .obsidian files using git and Termux is tedious on a small screen and a touch keyboard. Now, I pay for Obsidian Sync. I am planning on trying Syncthing soon. I also now trust GitHub (Microsoft) less with my private notes. See Copilot regurgitating Quake code, including sweary comments for some discussion.